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The Absurdity of Our Science System

Lillian Skinner
When Things Do Not Add Up
When Things Do Not Add Up

There is something tragically absurd about the system we live in. For centuries, we've been told that the key to understanding intelligence lies in knowing the details while ignoring the whole. The very essence of who we are and what we are capable of has been distorted by a framework that separates us from the fullness of our being. Born with the capacity for holistic intelligence, we start our lives with a boundless understanding of the world. But along the way, this brilliance is shattered, dissected, and relegated to compartments that fail to see the full spectrum of human potential. In this process, we lose the most powerful aspect of ourselves: the ability to see and understand the world and our place in its totality.

From the moment we are born, we enter a system designed to limit our intellectual and individual growth. This system stifles and destroys the embodied, emotional, creative, intuitive, and somatic aspects of our intelligence. It extracts only what is cognitive, placing a premium on rationality and linear thought while suppressing the more expansive forms of intelligence we are born with.

Somatic intelligence—the intelligence of the body—is relegated to the realm of the unscientific, assigned to religion and spirituality. The highest functioning forms of our somatic intelligence are pathologized by science as aberrations or dysfunctions. The truth about who we are, the purpose of our emotions, our somatic intelligence, and our intuitive genius are not validated by science. They are shoved aside into the shadows, dismissed as mystical or irrelevant, leaving us to believe that intelligence exists only in the brain.

What does the scientific community celebrate in this twisted reality? It celebrates the cognitive mind—the narrow, small-picture, present-focused, two-dimensional, logical, rational processing center that cannot see the world beyond a tiny fraction of its expanse. But what if this cognitive mind is actually the least intelligent part of us? What if the cognitive mind, the one we have placed on a pedestal, has lost connection to the very root of our intelligence—the body? How could the intelligence our science has spent so much time focused on be so easily replaced by a machine if it was really our most powerful cognition?

How do the cognitive centered system's professionals respond to those with high self-comprehension and systems thinking abilities? They apply pathology labels indiscriminately. Even as their own science increasingly validates these alternative ways of being, they continue to generate new labels. Even when someone lacks disability but has maintained their holistic intelligence, they continue to advise drugging away the emotions that foster the ability to see the whole picture. They insist emotions have no purpose. They insist highly emotional people need help. Their education in healing laser-focuses on any difference as a pathology instead of considering that the system itself might be wrong. That's not how science is supposed to work.

The arrogance of the cognitive elite is staggering. They cannot fathom any way of being outside their own. They believe their way is the ideal, which ensures all others will be pathologized. The lack of cognitive flexibility evidenced in interactions with them shows how fragmented our system makes those who are the most educated by it—and how easily they will be replaced by AI following the same checklists.

The body, with its ancient wisdom and vast network of sensory perception, holds the key to a fuller understanding of everything. Yet we have been taught to dismiss it. We have been educated in a way that limits our perspectives, reducing all parts of the whole we can see from an infinite amount to two, so that we can be led through life in a state of fragmentation, fed only what is needed to function in our tiny, predefined roles in society. This is the same way we train cows and horses, keeping them in their fields with rickety, small fences—fences that would never prevent an animal intent on exploring the whole of their world. The difference between the creatives and the cognitive evidences this conditioning: the creatives remain curious about their world, they still question it. The cognitive have lost this ability.

What happens to cows that remain curious? They are culled. They cull humans too, but label it as eugenics. Our helping professions were trained to be the cullers of genius. By valuing psychopathy, by making it the very foundation of our science, the system ensures this never changes. But how can psychopathy be the foundation of something healthy?

The idea that each piece of us needs to be pulled apart to measure and understand is illogical. I am not Frankenstein, and my parts do not equal life. It's the functioning of the whole system that ensures I live. My brain has always needed to know the interconnectedness of everything, and it is horrifying that science teaches that this is a disability. This is the functioning that fosters innovation and prevents the destruction of systems: ecological, human, familial, economic—all of them.

I am tired of the lies surrounding how we function "best." These lies exist only because we refuse to recognize that our system holds up as its ideal the most compliant blank slate. When you break down my whole into neatly labeled boxes, it doesn't tell you what I am. It only kills off my ability to put them together to understand what I could be.

The fragments of our intelligence—cognitive, somatic, and creative—are left to fight for their place in the sun because science refuses to let them coexist. Declaring that cognitive intelligence is the only legitimate form of intellect and siloing everything else into separate, isolated categories is like saying gas engines are the only type of engine that can run, refusing to admit any other kinds can or do exist.

Their goal is to fragment our mind from our body, to destroy our creativity, big-picture understanding, and intuition. Every scientist who cannot see that or does not fight it is the one who is really disabled. They have accepted psychopathy as their intelligence. They are so conditioned and fragmented that they believe creativity and emotion belong to religion, not to science; and somatic awareness is subhuman because the intellectual mind reigns supreme.

Good luck in collapse with that outlook. That outlook will kill you. Humans are animals—albeit domesticated ones. When the system sets you free (collapses), their lack of sensing intelligence will result in the same outcome as setting a dog free to live in the woods. Actually, a dog has better chances.

This fragmented system, this small-picture perspective, ensures that those defined as the intelligent among us are the least capable of creating new systems, innovating, and truly seeing the complexity of life.

We are all steered into a future that is narrow, rigid, and non-creative. We are boxed into a reality that celebrates reiteration and regurgitation over novel thought and creative genius. Those who can only see the small picture, who have lost connection with their body, creativity, and whole self, are elevated to the top of the intellectual hierarchy. Our system, which elevates the psychopathic by nature, is obsessed with control, obsessed with limiting, obsessed with ensuring that everyone operates within the same narrow constraints.

Such science was not designed to free us; it was designed to enslave. It enslaves you to two choices, both picked out by them, and both bad.

Psychopathy is the model for our current system of science. It controls how we understand the mind, ensuring the inability to see beyond narrow structures and fixed truths. Its domination of logic means it cannot process the fullness of life, cannot account for the nuances of human experience.

Using it means signing up to see black and white for the rest of your life instead of color while pathologizing any genius who still sees the whole spectrum. Genius doesn't fit into the rigid structure that has been created. So everyone with genius—the neurodivergent, outliers, and creative minds—has been cast aside, pathologized, and destroyed by the "educated" ones. Because our education is actually the destroyer of everyone's born genius. Because brilliance knows when it is being harnessed and controlled.

Now this system is about to collapse. It is a domino display, fragile in its complexity.

So much so that one small shift of a single part can bring it all down. It needs only one person, one mind that sees beyond the narrow confines of this fragmented world, to topple the entire display. The collapse is inevitable. The system that has forced us into these silos, that has made intelligence smaller and smaller with each passing generation, is too complex and too stupid to survive. It is a machine that was designed to limit us, and that very limitation will be its undoing.

I am no longer in our systems. So, I won’t be the one who pushes the last domino. Instead, what I offer is a pathway out. I will show anyone who is interested how psychopathy has shaped our science and how it has stolen our ability to see the full spectrum of intelligence. I will show them how the most cognitive minds are not the most intelligent. I will show them how to find their holistic intelligence. And I will be emotional about it because what they have created is a holy horror for everyone. It's so obvious that every child can go on at length about it even as the adults won't admit it.

The cognitive mind, divorced from the body, divorced from the creativity, and divorced from the connection to the world, are only capable of reiteration. It is only capable of repeating and breaking down the system's already defined perspectives. It is only capable of reinforcing a system that is not innovative, not evolving, and dying from a death of stagnation. It has lost the ability to create something new because they have lost their connection to the full intelligence of the body, to the somatic, emotional, and creative dimensions of our existence. The cognitive only thinkers are now just the simpler versions of AI, and AI is not that impressive.

The system is in collapse. We cannot do it any harm because it is not alive, just like corporations are not alive. They should be allowed to fail because every single professional in them has failed to make our world better. Every single obedient worker has contributed to a giant Ponzi scheme that only ends in mass misery. We have been programmed out of our full intelligence and turned into servants who do not think for themselves.

If you don't feel emotional about that, you are broken. If you do feel emotional about that, reach out because you may be a genius. Higher emotions show your intelligence is working just as it should. The longer they have been telling you there is something wrong with you, the smarter you likely are.

Together we can build something better—something amazing and expansive that will provide a path for a future where humanity doesn't just wait to die. And this time there will be no psychopaths in the system. Because unlike the old system where you had to become one to get in, this one maintains a single rule: to keep all those who are psychopaths out. Just like the Indigenous hunters and gatherers do with their communities. Which is the fundamental reason they don't collapse.

Who's looking civilized now?

They are. They have always been the more civilized people, and we should hang our heads in shame that we did not see this and change it long ago.

Isn't it time we stopped valuing the worst kind of people among us and started valuing the kindest, smartest, and best?


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